Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Welcome to #blipwar Central

Are you a user? Are you a Twitter user? Have you activated your account to twit your blips? If you answered yes to all three questions we have a game for you.

#blipwar was inspired by pure boredom and simple brotherhood. It aims to annoy your loved ones and followers by shaming them with music. Using your blip account and the #blipwar tag hash, you can declare a shameful war towards your significant other, best friend or web archenemy. Each blip you twit with this hash will hurt, not only your opponent, but your reputation on both social services as well.

How far will you go to win a

#blipwar CONCEPT

A shameful game by @drodzand on on twitter and @eldifusor on and twitter.

What is it about?

A #blipwar is a tag hash designed to "play a game" that shames your opponent by associating him/her with music he/she loathes. Using a user chooses a target and attempts to destroy him/her by attacking him/her with a song or artist the target loathes accompanied by a message implying the target actually loves said song or artist. When the target becomes aware of the attack, he/she has five minutes to retaliate with a song of the same genre. The attacker will then have five minutes to retaliate and so on.

If any of the players takes more than five minutes to reply then he/she will lose the game.

To maximize damage you should have your account sending your blips to your twitter account so more users can watch your attack and follow the carnage using the
blipwar hash tag (#blipwar) on twitter search.

Basic Rules:

1. Only one attack at a time is permitted. The attacker must grant five minutes for a retaliation. No double attacks (combos) are allowed. Attacks and retaliations must use the blipwar hash tag (#blipwar)

2.The song should belong to the same genre as the original attack. Every new attack can change the genre. This means that the one who attacks first will have a slight advantage since he/she will control the genres. Remember, the defender must strike back with a song inside the genre, if he/she fails to counter attack within the alloted time he/she will have to yield.

3. Losers must blip (as a reply to the winner) the song
Winner by Chris Brown to acknowledge defeat.

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